One On One Yoga Intensives with Ajahn Kim White

The intensive training does not have a set teaching structure or time frame as it depends on what it is you want to learn, how fast you learn and how long you would like to stay.

Training is usually 5 days a week for 3 hours a day, taught in one on one private lessons with the beautiful backdrop of Thailand.

The first session is an evaluation to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie in your yoga practise. From here, during our yoga sessions together, we work on balancing out your practise and giving you a good understanding of how to continue to do this when you return home to your personal practise. The content of the training varies, it all depends on what is missing in your yoga practice.
This is the beauty of private sessions.

Ahjan Kim White will tailor to each individual as no-one learns in the same way or at the same pace.
Ahjan Kim is not fond of churning out courses that are money spinners and not effective in delivering the understanding of yoga.

When you finish training with Ahjan Kim White, you will have a deeper understanding of your own mind and body and a deeper understanding of the science of yoga.

That is the aim of Mindbody yoga and this is achieved by teaching yoga in its purest form. For more information please contact

Certified teacher training is also available but is not given lightly. Acceptence via audition only. Please contact us for more details.


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